Welcome to the Official Home of Merging Light
Merging Light is a new musical group with a Classic Rock feel…a band with a manifesto…a band that is seeking to start a movement…without a polished music label…but maintaining the anonymity of the musicians in favor of an emphasis on the music.
Their inaugural release, entitled “Near Death Experience”, places their influences clearly in the tradition of the classic rock bands of the 60’s & early 70’s, and explores life’s meaning as learned through a near death experience.
Beginning with a haunting track exploring the purpose of life upon creation of the universe, moving into upbeat, driving rock to present a reckless, selfish and abrasive young man with arrogant views of his station in life, mellow and forceful musical flows depicting a clash with the laws of karma, soft moving music to express the sadness of a failed life full of regrets, with acoustic and electric rhythms and melodic and intense lead guitar, Near Death Experience takes the listener on a journey into the afterlife, facing the ultimate destiny of our souls.
We hope that you enjoy clicking through this site, and learning a bit more about Merging Light and their new CD, “Near Death Experience.” Before you go, please take a moment to “Like” the band on Facebook…and before you leave, please share the news about this web site with your friends.
Copyright 2014 Merging Light, LLC.
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